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SMART — Sona Management Analysis Road & Traffic

A smart solution for all types of traffic which include roadways, railways, airways and sea ways there is new way which is the SMART way. Sonastar presenting Sona Management Analysis Road & Traffic (SMART)

Having successfully concluded one of India’s highest traffic.

Are you controlling the controllables?
Do you have checks and balances for variables ?
Do you have early warning signals? (People SMART)

Sona Star Innovation Pvt ltd., which focuses on various areas of improvements, audits, and consulting. Having achieved great success in many of our ventures, mainly in the area of process audits, process improvements & technology development, using inputs like CCTV images, Data Mining, technical tools along with predictive outputs
One of our key achievements have been monitoring national highways, especially accident-prone zones like the Thoppur ghats in the Dharmapuri dist., which connects both Chennai & Bengaluru to Salem, Coimbatore, Kerala & Southern part of Tamilnadu and wherein the daily traffic of over 5 lac vehicles pass through this small but fast ghat section, extending only to about 6 kms. This location was recorded as one of the highest accident-prone areas in the country during the month of 13th Dec 2020 wherein there was a fatal accident. Total of 15+ vehicles collided, 5 people were badly injured & 4 people died on the spot. This was a cause of great concern. This incident compelled the RTO along with the police dept who got in touch with Sona Star.
We took up this matter by using analytics & accident videos, we are happy to have reduced the accidents by 80% through our solutions which was implemented instantly. The record of accidents prior & post to the study has been attached. Similarly, we have done many projects where we have worked with the national highway, state highway & industry parks. We have consulted with them and given our in-depth study reports for them to improve the quality of vehicle movement. This activity has been appreciated immensely by all the above stakeholders.
Recently, there has been growing concern about the traffic conditions in Seelanayakenpatti, a locality in Salem. Addressing these concerns, Sonastar has stepped forward with a comprehensive suggestion for improving traffic management in the area. This initiative by Sonastar highlights the importance of community involvement in urban planning and infrastructure development. Residents and commuters in Seelanayakenpatti are hopeful that this proposal will pave the way for a smoother and safer traffic flow, enhancing the overall quality of life in the region.

Felicitation Function for the Project "Towards Zero Accident in Thoppur ghat Section" by Sona School of Business & Management, Salem.

thoppur ghat dharmapuri

Sona College of Technology held a certification ceremony for Thoppur Project in the college premises. Dharmapuri RTO Mr.Damodaran and Dharmapuri Motor Vehicle Inspector Mr.Tharaneethar attended the function. While he was speaking, he asked the college students to drive a vehicle that is very important, everyone should wear a helmet, moderate speed is best, and follow the road rules. Following this, Mr.Thyagu, was speaking, Thoppur is located on the national highway from salem to Dharmapuri. 2 kms winding and downhill through the forest. This road goes far. Due to this, vehicle are frequently involved in accidents here, resulting in loss of life. On December 12,2020, 15 vehicles collided one after the other in a major accident in Thoppur forest, in which 4 people died on the spot and 5 people where seriously injured. Following this, our team of students from SONA MBA and SONA STAR jointly initiated a research report activity on road safety and traffic management. Sona MBA team approached Thoppur Police Station and Dharmapuri RTO and collected details of accidents in last 10 years. A preliminary reports on “Road Accidents in Thoppur” was submitted in the presences of District Collector Dharmapuri, Thoppur, DSP-Inspector of polices, RTO, Dy. Transport Commissioner, L&T Toll Admin. Officers, He appreciated the students, factors affecting road accidents, Prevention measures etc. and designed and submitted the final research report based in their need. Further, Sona Group are planning to implement such road safety and traffic management realated projects on national and state highways.


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Data Mining
Big Data Analytics
Machine Learning
Compiler Design and Optimization
Data Structure
Algorithm Analysis
Computational Intelligence


  • Secretary for CSI Salem Chapter 
  • Nomination Committee member for CSI Salem Chapter 
  • The Best Women Engineer Award by the Institution of Engineers.
  • Selected for 2010 Who’s who in the world, conducted by Marquis, USA.
  • Selected as a potential candidate to represent professional community in the 2010 edition of Cambridge Who’s who.
  • Data Analytics and Solutions Lab (Catalyzed & Supported by SEED Division, DST, New Delhi) – Set up and analyzing experimental case studies related to Breast Cancer Datasets in real-time.
  • Apple Lab for undergraduate students to develop ios app development projects, Collaborated internationally and developing app for English Learning Children through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.