Science Technology Automation Robotics




Business Process Analytics helps organizations improve the throughput of their processes and optimize the business processes.

Our Professional team deep dives into correlating data with various data sources and quickly onboard new data sources in-order to realize process changes.

This analysis is done by using a range of tech tools & models proven to support crucial decision making. By using such tools, designed by Sona Group, it helps in instant Data mining, Data Recovery, Data sorting, which helps in future discovery, conformance & enhancement of process flow.



Our Professional team is deft with aligning the 3Ps which is the cornerstone of any Business Entity

A proper template is created to provide for each element of the 3P to ensure that the ultimate goal of achieving Profit is embedded in the system. Right people with correct job roles & experience followed by the process to extract the work from people which results in profitability.

Our team deep dives into each of these elements to create a sustainable model with clear bifurcation of layers of workforce, workflow & revenue generation model.


Our Team is keen on injecting technology in every business however big or small

Especially our team is committed to support the Family Business & MSME’s to use technology to turnaround their business activity in a much lean manner, reducing cost of operations, NVA’s, bring in high level of accuracy & transparency, improve performance levels, increase quality & productivity.


Raw data can be converted into meaningful information and compiled into valuable data that can be used for Data Mining,Analytics, Visualization, Storage, Restore, and Reuse multiple times.
Data according to our professional team is a profit-making tool for all top management. They use it for projecting, creating reports, pie charts, and presentations with facts & figures extracted from the available data. Our team uses the latest tools & techniques to churn out tons of data in a few seconds per the clients’ requirement sets. Our team deep dives into each of these elements to create a sustainable model with clear bifurcation of layers of workforce, workflow & revenue generation model.


3A as it called is very crucial to monitor the health of the organization. Our team takes stock of the systems & process already existing in line with the goals & objectives of the organization. Benchmarks are created to earmark milestones. The resultant factor is that the organization gets a fresh lease of life to function to the best of its ability.

If 3A’s are repeated in periodic intervals with a clear objective the organisation will reach good levels of performance with highest productivity, lowest cost of operation, with minimal or lowest wastage of time, money & efforts.


Our team of Industry Experts and the Subject Matter Experts always feel that if we have the required checks & balances in place and plan for your possible failures nothing can stop us from achieving the expected outcomes. Our team has already worked on this aspect very thoroughly and used technology to bring in EWS in the system which forms the major part of Predictive Analytics.

Predictive Analytics is similar to Preventive Medication in healthcare where in one inbuilds measures to curtail such uncertainities especially when it comes to maintenance schedules of plant & machineries. Predictive Analytics has the power to prevent major losses and damages to the organizations by giving early alerts like EWS or some valuable inputs realting which can be extremely helpful.


AI is the buzz word today but still there is a lot of resistance from a lot of industries & organizations to adopt AI as part of their DNA. One of the main reasons felt by our experts are lack of awareness on what is the benefits AI can bring to the table. There fore experts have a deep indepth discussion with core team of the organization, make them aware and instill confidence in them before embarking on implementation mode.

The biggest benefit is all routine activities can be brought under AI to automate the process and run it accurately all the time everytime, 24/7 without any fatigue or other factors associated with humans. It also reduces the dependency on labour which is a huge concern today. In certain organization the labour is optimized for various other functions when AI is introduced thereby controlling unnecessary costs without affecting the productivity.

ARM Study & Scope - Procesess, Implentation, Training & Assessment

Automation, Robotics & Mechanaization is the key for developing industries today especially the MSME sector. Very few industries has been able to adopt the Industry 4.0. Many industries are still in the Industry 2.0 i.e Mechanization stage.

Our team feels that a study on the present stage of Industrialization is very crucial to adopt the necessary strategies and only provide with the compatible solution to upgrade to the next level. Mechnization stage can get upgraded slowly with low cost Automation. The next stage would be introduction of Robotics with AI/ML enabled followed by IoT solutions to connect & talk with machines seamlessly.


A proper template is created to provide for each element of the 3P to ensure that the ultimate goal of achieving Profit is embedded in the system. Right people with correct job roles & experience followed by the process to extract the work from people which results in profitability.

Our team deep dives into each of these elements to create a sustainable model with clear bifurcation of layers of workforce, workflow & revenue generation model.


Technical Design Engineering projects are carried out by a team of young and dynamic workforce under the leadership of subject matter experts & Industry Mentors who drive these projects for us. We can provide very competent solutions in the areas of Design & Development projects like NPD, 2D/3D drawings, Industry levels of Skilling & Training, etc. We can work with the entire complex range of value streams from some of the leading softwares platforms & suite of products available globally.


Any startup idea or new product/service must have a proper plan of action also known as the Business Plan. A Business Plan is an overview of what is intended to be done? Who is going to do it? Where is it going to be done? Why is it being done? How is it going to be done? How much is it going to be in terms of pricing?. The business plan helps in understanding the desired projections & gaps if any before one embarks the plan into action mode. Our profession team is deft in preparing a proper business plan to help promising startups find their dream investors & take it to the next level.


Our team constantly works on various challenges the industry/organizations are facing today and loves to give solutions. These projects gives us a lot of impetus to learn & adapt them as key projects. As a consulting organization with strategic leadership team inbuilt in our DNA we give specific advises which results into unique value proposition. If the organization also wants our team implement the same we are ready to do so at an additional cost.

If 3A’s are repeated in periodic intervals with a clear objective the organisation will reach good levels of performance with highest productivity, lowest cost of operation, with minimal or lowest wastage of time, money & efforts.


Some of the projects are long term as adaptation of solutions takes time to deliver the required results. Hence a lot of industries are not willing to look at consultancy options which are highly priced and unaffordable especially for the MSME sector. We as a team bringin a retainer model for such projects which work out very cost effective and brings out the desired outputs in the said organization resulting into higher productivity, low cost of operation, eliminate the NVA’s & wastage of time, money, material & resources, improve quality thereby increased profitability & realize huge savings in all aspects.


Our solutions are very flexible and cost effective. We believe in delivering Value than the Cost & hence we’re also comfortable in providing a fixed price project consulting options with scope of work clearly defined.

Process Analytics

Business Process Analytics helps organizations improve the throughput of their processes and optimize the business processes.

Our Professional team deep dives into correlating data with various data sources and quickly onboard new data sources in-order to realize process changes.

This analysis is done by using a range of tech tools & models proven to support crucial decision making. By using such tools, designed by Sona Group, it helps in instant Data mining, Data Recovery, Data sorting, which helps in future discovery, conformance & enhancement of process flow.


Similarly for certain consulting options time involved to deliver projects especially when we involve qualified human resources to work on such projects., Time based consulting becomes the best option. The charges would be per man hour basis as the project timelines would be defined in the SoW.

Process Analytics

Business Process Analytics helps organizations improve the throughput of their processes and optimize the business processes.

Our Professional team deep dives into correlating data with various data sources and quickly onboard new data sources in-order to realize process changes.

This analysis is done by using a range of tech tools & models proven to support crucial decision making. By using such tools, designed by Sona Group, it helps in instant Data mining, Data Recovery, Data sorting, which helps in future discovery, conformance & enhancement of process flow.


This is a tailor made option which is involving our top leadership team to build a strategy for the said organization as part of consulting. This option is a carefully thought & planned option to architect a complete solution package for the organization. It maybe a new product line, or overhauling the existing one, or adding a supplementary offering, or creating a internal work process flow to achieve certain milestones, etc.


Our team has initiated a Star Rating for the existing Systems & Process revolving around the Customer & Market place. Industrywise bifurcation is done to achieve this standards. This can also be similar to Status Audit/Mirroring as it is called, with Certification and hence also termed as PCA.


Our team feels that Local Industries must grow & flourish and strong emphasis must be given to develop this sector very strongly. To inject economical growth, it is very essential that local industries & business’s must have a constant upscaling process happening all the time. Most of the industries suffer because of lac of awareness about their product & services, new methologies, use of latest technology, Industry Best practices & a vocal forum to promote this sector deep & wide across the globe.


YYYA is nothing but asking the right questions to get the right answers. Our team feels that this methodology is generally used when there is a failure in a particular process, system, product quality, maintentance, etc., but we further strongly state that this methodology with EWS can be used as part of Predictive Analytics.


Mapping the stages of Process Engineering is the required to ensure that we adapt the key & compatible strategies to enable smooth upgradation and standardization of the industrial best practices. Mapping enables to understand the requirements vis-à-vis the existing position the company/industry is right now. Mapping helps to identify the gaps & plug them with suitable solutions before embark for a Process Engg solution.



Identifying the Potential of the organization in any spheres and then mapping each element is a good input to have. It serves as a blue print to our business and helps the organization to take crucial decisions.


This culture has to be in built in every organization is what our team believes strongly. One is just having these practices on paper to show & the other is the actual implementation of the same. In the BPA this is the assessment done to check if the Best Practices are not only adopted but also is implemented in the day to day activities of the organization.


Our professional team feels it is necessary to show what is successful to prove a point that such metholodologies bring in sustainability in the work process. Comparitive study is crucial to know what similar industries are working on wrt Process, Systems, Strategies, Best Practices, Products & Services. At the end our team is keen to know what is the industry customer expectation & whether we’re in line with the same. Hence this study is very critical to understand what is our ranking on various parameters laid down by the industry standards.


BCP is one area which is not concentrated in most of the business houses. If things are going well no one is bothered to keep a check on the process to ensure smooth functioning at all times. Our team gives the example of Military readiness during war, calamities, uncertainities, etc. This military activity is done round the clock to ensure that we’re ever ready to counter any strikes from enemies, disaster or calamities at short notices which may help the nation to come out of heavy losses & damages to infrastructure & people.


Proven, Tested & Tried multiple times with positive results everytime


Reflective Assessment is to understand & benchmark the learning curve or the skilling curve. The ‘Why’ & ‘How’ of learning is reflected during the assessment. This assessment can be specific in nature.


Before, During & After Assessments is very crucial to know, how was the situation before?, how was it during the assessment? And how was it after the assessment is done? This will enable to track gaps if any and eliminate them during the process itself.


Status Audit is also termed as ‘Mirroring’ by our team. Status Audit will actually showcase the present condition of the organization. If the organization has an internal core team to implement measures for improvement, then a status audit is recommended every quarter to inform the management on what course of direction the company is moving forward.


This audit is tech oriented and audits the tech landscape in an organization. This audit happens to be very crucial to ensure one is complying to all standards in terms of maintenance, renewals, regular functional checks, steps taken to install & renew anti-virus softwares, etc.


IBHA is required to ensure the business is going to be sustainable and risks in the systems & process are mitigated and counter measures are taken to enable smooth functioning all the time. In order to maintain the above IBHA is required to be conducted periodically especially in the interest of the Top Management.


5S is the most popular & most sought after audit which takes lesser time, its quick to implement and churns out the the required results. This audit is known to reduce wastage & eliminate NVA’s in the process. This audit is highly recommended by our team for all organizations irrespective of their size.


LSSM Audit parameters are already benchmarked and the same is checked here in the audit to monitor compliance of LSSM guidelines.


HR Audit is specific to HR related functions which are employee centric in nature. There are a lot of routine functions which needs to be carried out every month for creating employee friendly atmoshphere. Our team this audit is very important to ensure the HR team is complying to all norms to maintain good employee relations as the new assets for any organisation is skilled manpower


It is also termed as Power Audit and is mandatory for all industries to carry out this activity regularly to avoid major hazards, damages & losses to people & company assets. For e.g in the state of Tamil Nadu the government is giving upto 50% sop’s or subsidies in the billing if the companies are carrying our regular energy audits. All parameters to audit are already benchmarked. Our team is qualified & certified to conduct such audits.


Our team has the expertise for Creative Design Services with Digitization for some of the most complex designs & patterns. We’ve been successful in converting the range of tangible products into a digital framework with the state of the art latest tech enabled solutions. These can be further converted into models by simulating it into the desired background with various color combo’s for the sake of EODB. The customer appreciates the same and is able to easily decide from the range available in the online marketplace, thereby reducing time, effort & money both for the vendor as well as for the client. By offering these services we enable business by increasing the reach, reducing the cost of operations, increase sales & profitability & an overall pleasant & happy customer experience.


Design Communication is an art developed by our team in the pursuit of excellence. What we can’t communicate with text content we can communicate with Design much better. For e.g Graphic Representations, Pie Charts, Bar table, illustrations, animations, etc. can be a very unique way of explaining our range of products/services. It is said a good design stands out and appeals the target audience and also enables to create brand presence & mind space…that is where the market is says our professional team of digital design experts


Our team decides the core objective before taking up any assignment and clearly identifies & analyses the requirements. Once this is taken care of the systems & processes are defined to enable & ensure there is ease of doing business. Our team always feels that the end user is dumb and he should be able to understand how to use the solutions given by us effectively. Simplyfing things comes naturally to our experts and transformation of these ideas seamlessly in to user friendly solutions is what we strive for all the time. Focus on customer centric decisions are key to some of the breakthroughs that we had in the recent projects that we’ve executed.


Technical Design Engineering projects are carried out by a team of young and dynamic workforce under the leadership of subject matter experts & Industry Mentors who drive these projects for us. We can provide very competent solutions in the areas of Design & Development projects like NPD, 2D/3D drawings, Industry levels of Skilling & Training, etc. We can work with the entire complex range of value streams from some of the leading softwares platforms & suite of products available globally.


Map my Sona is one of our flagship tech based solutions which enables low cost automation for mapping the assets of any organisation for the purpose of optimum maintenance solutions. This is developed inhouse by a team of experts. Call us for an online Demo to know more.


Application based design solution is one of the key areas for EODB in any of the operations or finding solutions, which can be easily maneouvred into a user friendly model. This is similar to plug-n-play model which is available in many platforms which if programed with proper logic & algorithm these can be very cost effective & useful for any design usage. One doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel when solutions are already available. We believe in customizing the solutions to our clients needs and bringing down the cost considerably. e.g of such solutions would be like ZOHO, etc.



Communicative Engineering is like creating a process flow so that every stage of the process there has to be effective communication programmed or embedded in the activity in order to ensure the desired outcomes are acquired or delivered.


Most of the time it is the People who need to be aligned with the goals of the organization and hence training needs to be identified specifically in the areas they’re weak. Our team has a templatised approach to identify this aspect and ensure apt training is provided based on the specific requirements.


One of the key aspects identified by our team is EODB i.e. Ease of Doing Business. A lot can be achieved with a simple app to enable a service. Developing such apps is one of the proficiency of our team. Some of the apps developed by us is ‘Present Ma’am’ dealing with Mass Attendance in few seconds, ‘TradeEasy’ a Yarn Trading Solution, ‘MMS’ a Asset/Maintenance Management a low cost automation Solution.


The MCS setup is a key to have a standardized communication system. Our team is of the opinion that this setup will avoid or eliminate errors in communication system. With the use of modern techniques which are tech enabled like AI, IoT, etc it will revolutionize the communication channel in a much productive & output based approach.


Our Core Research Team has identified Sensors to be a key enabler in bringing in low cost automation & real time information by using relevant sensor’s. Our team of professionals are deft in identifying sensor based approach to automate some of the routine work flow and reduce dependency on labour, increase accuracy, make these function work for us 24/7 thereby increasing productivity, decrease wastage of time, efforts & money in the bargain. Our team is very successful in implementing such project with the use of latest technology connected with sensors.


Most disasters can be avoided with timely information of the same especially when it comes to maintenance of machines in a periodical manner. Our team likes to quote an example of a car with EWS built into the system which gives you a signal if the temperature is high in engine, or if the engine oil level is low or if the service is due, etc. If followed properly the owner saves a lot by sending the car for maintenance as per EWS. These are methods which can be used in any process to avoid huge losses or expenses. This is also one of the key feature of preventive maintenance.


ACS is another automated benefit available using AI/QR codes/ Sensors, etc. Auto communication Systems can be very useful for regular & routine maintenance processes especially when the scale of operations is huge. Our team gives very simple tech enabled solutions at reasonable cost so that these automated inputs comes to the key people on realtime basis. Again there is time, efforts & money saved with lower dependency on labour as an advantage.


Our team wishes to establish the Triple ‘C’ as it is called in every step of our communication. We intend to ‘Convey’ the message loud & clear. We’re able to ‘Convince’ further with the right solutions to the challenges or problems faced by our clientele. Further, we are able to ‘Convert’ them into an output based approach due to our industry expertise and leadership in various diversified business running successfully for years


Our team can provide expertise in Japanese, Korean, French, German, Mandarin Languages. As a test market we’ve chosen engineering graduates from Academia and taught them Japanese Language upto N3 level. This additional skill helped them get placement in Japan with a package of Rs.30Lac Yen per Annum. Now we’ve chosen to train students from Public Schools right from LKG onwards to PG levels in academic institutions like Sona Group of Institutions.


We undertake transalation services for Japanese Language as of now. This doesn’t limit us to take other language transaltion as well but will depend on the total project deliverables in terms of quantity, tenure, continuity, etc.


Most of our qualified team members are technocrats with engineering background. This alongwith language expertise helps us to deliver this line item effectively. We can create Tech Write ups for companies who wants to showcase their product or services in specific languages of preference. Most of the website developers ask for such services to get accuracy in language delivery.


This audit is tech oriented and audits the tech landscape in an organization. This audit happens to be very crucial to ensure one is complying to all standards in terms of maintenance, renewals, regular functional checks, steps taken to install & renew anti-virus softwares, etc.


Medium of communication in one’s own language is one step nearer to achieving your objectives. Blogging has become very important to communicate the storyline of the said organization or institution. Our team takes great strides in developing some of the most effective blogs which leads to decision making. The team also uses this method to strengthen branding activity of the said organisation or its products or services.


There are some activities which needs to be in a focussed manner while communicating. For e.g today social media is become so important that our presence in the right place at the right time is very crucial to address the Target Groups(TG). Each media handle has a speciality and has a cult of followers or subscribers. Our team is specialised to identify such communities with in the media handles and create write ups which will be very effective in reaching the TG audience with the language of their choice.


Build, Operate & Transfer model of business Is assuming greater importance in today’s projects. Our team is pioneering this model for achieving the desired results & outcomes. Here we show how to start the process, run it for sometime and then transfer it to the owners & come out of the system. We can give example of the Start up ecosystem today which works more or less in this manner. We’ve a vertical only working on Business Incubation Services under this area. We take stakes in the organization as part of our RoI, either remain as stake holders or exit from the system and repeat the process with the next startup. To know more connect with us at Sona Star.


Proven, Tested & Tried multiple times with positive results everytime


This is our core objective especially with Agri Food Processing/Manufacturing industry. Most of the wastage is transported in the form of Raw Material thereby increasing Cost of the finished product. Our team has the expertise to deliver the value and not the cost. We create a system to process the waste locally and send only the required material for finished product thereby eliminating waste getting transported. We strive to create value in every sphere of business process. To know more connect with us at Sona Star…


A lot or projects are offered to us in our business journey. Eventhough we’ve the experience of running a business we sometime fail to study the project viability before taking it up. Our team is well versed with doing a viability study and create the potential report if the project can be successful or not or what is the probability of success. We encourage clients to throw us some of their challenges to test our capabilities.


Return on Investment is only used as a terminology most of the time without understanding the importance it bears on the overall business performance. Our team is very commited to study the ROI as part of the Project Management vertical. If we don’t see the Project Viable even after applying various business models & possibilites then we advise the client not to take the project or the Project doens’t have the potential to give the ROI as expected by the client. We use highly tried, tested, proven methodologies utlized by many successful business’s, to direct them to correct decisions & avoid losses or damages in the bargain. We also provide solutions to such situations if there is a possibility to turnaround the business ROI positively with some inputs like investments, efforts, change of process, etc.


Project Life Cycle Management is the end to end solution which we provide right from Project identification to the Project completion. Our team feels when the entire project is given to us we can plan, control, organise & optimise our strengths & resources in a manner that it help us yield the desired outcomes and reach milestones on time every time.


Body Shopping

Due to high cost of operations and uncertainity over project tenure there is a huge challenge with today’s industries to manage manpower without affecting the profitability. This is where our team provides an apt solution to arrest this problem not only helping you take every project irrespective of their tenure but also manage profitability at reduced cost of operations which is project based temporary staffing or Contract to Hire options whichever is convenient for the industry.


Industries can give us their challenges and we can execute these projects with the help of aspiring engineers from Diploma, Engineering & Masters as an Internship program.


In companies worldwide there is key understanding of retaining good talent and creating a competent workforce. This according to our team is very crucial & valuable for companies to know their competency capital at any given time to map with present projects & upcoming projects. Getting key people is very challenging today hence it is ideal to get competency developed inhouse from L1 itself. Also to understand where the company is now WRT competency levels it is essential to have a 3 stage process in place., One to identify & categorise the current workforce from L1 to L5 based on the benchmarks set with years of experience levels, two to create a balance score card & three to create a skill matrix for the entire organization after mapping the individuals. This will help the company to plan the talent pool based on the existing projects & upcoming projects. This process of competency mapping is known to save cost of operations to 6*(in millions).


It is also termed as Power Audit and is mandatory for all industries to carry out this activity regularly to avoid major hazards, damages & losses to people & company assets. For e.g in the state of Tamil Nadu the government is giving upto 50% sop’s or subsidies in the billing if the companies are carrying our regular energy audits. All parameters to audit are already benchmarked. Our team is qualified & certified to conduct such audits.  Our team has studied various organisation especially in the MSME sector & Family Owned Business using traditional methods of conducting ones business. We feel that use of technology eases out the friction of manual work & labour cost considerably. Technology eliminates man made errors, increases accuracy in operations, can be put to use 24/7, reduce dependency on labour, improves productivity & quality of work, helps reduce wastage, keeps you on top of the business all the time in real time. Such businesses can also controled remotely without any hassles. Such Re-engineering of process with technology is key to building small businesses into MNC’s in the years to come.


Our team has created simple methologies with low cost solutions to provide such studies for the benefit of the Managers/Top Management/Leadership team. These inputs will be very essential for accurate planning of People/Process/Machinery optimum utilization. This in turn delivers the desired outcomes of Increased productivity & decreased wastage of Time, Efforts & Money. Each process of work flow is important to study before we plan to execute or implement the solution.


This is to create a right hierarchy of People, Process, Machinery , Infrastructure. The structure is set with crucial pillars of SoP’s to ensure smooth functioning of the organization. Each organisation needs to realign based on their structures or availability & scale of operation. Our team has the expertise to scan specifically core areas & bring them in order to set up seamless transformation of the set objectives.


We’re a young team but with a legacy of 100 years in business. We follow the latest tools available & used by certified agencies today. We can also certify with a 5 * rating which can be authenticated by any certified agencies. An authorised source can be identified to work on our report, findings & certify at a lower cost if required. However we’re in the process of getting certified by an accredited agency shortly.


Safety is of utmost importance today for all companies worldwide. The best companies fail to get business because there is no safety policy or regular audits done. Our team has created a rocksolid safety audit model for conducting such audits by experts in the industry today. These audits will ensure that the companies are safer to work & to deal with. Our team further helps in creating a Safety Policy for the company to adhere to at all times as a mandatory norm. Periodic Safety Audits are suggested by our team with 5* rating certification from our company.


Every company today has a process to follow. The company leadership has to evolve with the demands of their clients. These demands put pressure to change the process of work flow in the organisation. Such changes are subject to huge resistance due to insecurity of the work force & the middle management level. If a culture of Process mapping is in place the work force can be educated about the pros & cons of the process regularly and align them accordingly with solutions to improve the process. This results in gradual changes positively. Hence our team suggests periodic Process mapping to understand that organization is charting the right course of action as planned to deliver the desired outcomes.


Due to modern day lifestyle issues there is a health imbalance which is created, putting human beings into very difficult health situations & if neglected, it goes into very deep health concerns and becomes the cause for incurable diseases. Naturopathy has a very clear path to recovery by administering a combination of traditional medication systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Sidda, Homeopathy & yoga. Our team of Healthcare experts can offer these services with the help of traditional medicines & state of the art infrastructure & facilities.


PA is a critical tool to understand the thought patterns of the workforce in the industry. It has some of the consistent findings on how individual potential can be unearthed through this process. Our team uses the findings to help organisations understand their workforce better, give them responsibilities based on their abilities & create a work pattern which can be achieved comfortably by the people. In certain cases this analysis has helped us find good leadership material before even the concerned individual knew about it. if the analysis is used in the correct format a lot can be achieved in the area of Manpower Development & grooming leaders.


Health Mapping is part of Health HR function. Offlate health issues have been a clear reason to bring down performance of good people in the said organization. A proper Health mapping mechanism can avoid such uncertainity leading to lower productivity and also losing good people. Our team boasts of an expert healthcare team to cater to this need very effectively, with traditional healing methods.


All the above was external in nature, assessments done by experts for the benefit of the organization. But there is no specific program for individuals who wants to know their potential and capabilities or knowing themselves. Our team have developed self assessment tools(SAT) for individuals to understand their key strengths, weaknesses, the opportunities to develop and the threats they might invite to themselves if they don’t adapt or change. (SWOT) This tool is confidential and remains the property of the individual. This tool can also be utilized at various levels of growth phases professionally in order to understand the challenges they may have to face & how are they currently positioned to face them. This SAT will give a circular result keeping it individual centric, revolving around I, Me & Myself & Engineer the solution available to bring out the best in him or her. A personaised approach to self development is the core objective here.


Our team is well versed with the CBR model to help organization see those areas which are often neglected while calculating cost v/s benefit/RoI.


Once the potential mapping is done the findings can be distributed over various stages of implementation. Our team tries to bring in postive changes basically in 3 stages 1) Improvement strategies with no investments to start with. 2) Improve process & systems with minimal investments to achieve higher RoI., 3) CIP(Continous Improvement Plan) which will ensure the organization is always on track towards achieving the set milestones.


Our team is well versed with the CBR model to help organization see those areas which are often neglected while calculating cost v/s benefit/RoI.


In the previous stage wise implementation the last stage was identified as CIP. Once this stage is implemented then a periodic assessment has to be done to understand whether we are in the right direction or not. Balance Score Card is one such tool which can be created for People, Process, Machinery, Equipments, etc.


While doing all the above there is a sure finding of NVA’s in the system which can be eliminated both for People & Process. People can be realigned and process can be made lean to achieve the set objectives of the organization.


In the Academia today, some of the institutions are struggling with Campus Placements to get quality outcomes. Our team has identified the various skill training formats by which the students appearing for placement interviews can get support in clearing the interviews successfully. Company wise formats also is ready to support the colleges in getting regular placements year on year with such trainings.


Systems Planning is very crucial once you decide the course of action for the organization. Our team is well versed with System’s planning due to our stint with Startup Ecosystem. We are able to align all functions of an organization in such a manner that the people just needs to follow the system to achieve the set milestones.



Our experience working with Family Business’s have been very rich. Our team is therefore in a position to suggest/recommend key low cost automation, trainings, tech based solutions to make their business robust & sustainable. Showing the right technological solutions to small & medium business’s/industries has been very fruitful in building speed & accuracy especially with valuable data.


Failure Mode Defect Analysis expertise is available in house to identify such defects in the entire process ideal for all types of manufacturing industries, mechanical industries & Core industries. Such analysis if made earlier & integrated with the process it can stop major losses & damages to the said organization.


Quality Assurance Audits are conducted by Industry Professionals with decades of experience. These Audits help keep a regular check on Quality of any product or service on a periodical basis. Our team has a clear program to run this audit with clarity on goals to achieve in every step benchmarking everytime for the next audit. QA audits are a proven technique to sustainable quality performance on a strong growth path consistently.


An overview tracking of employees health with basic unit measurements like BP levels, Sugar levels, height, weight, BMI, Health History, etc as part of the profiles. A corporate solution for regular check ups by Healthcare experts from our team can support maintaining Health Reports.


Head, Heart & Hand are the unique indicators for good health in an human being. Head controls the entire functionality of the body and hence needs to be kept in the best health condition. Similarly Heart plays a major role in pumping blood supply 24/7. Hence an important organ in the human body. Likewise hand was always an instrument to guage the health condition of the human body traditionally just like the stethoscope. to maintain a steady course of optimum good health condition a combo of Naturopathy & yoga is recommended. Our team of healthcare experts are equipped to give personalized solutions for maintaining HHH.


Due to modern day lifestyle issues there is a health imbalance which is created, putting human beings into very difficult health situations & if neglected, it goes into very deep health concerns and becomes the cause for incurable diseases. Naturopathy has a very clear path to recovery by administering a combination of traditional medication systems like Ayurveda, Unani, Sidda, Homeopathy & yoga. Our team of Healthcare experts can offer these services with the help of traditional medicines & state of the art infrastructure & facilities.


Most of the health condition off late is related to mental wellness. Keeping Mind in a good working condition there is a process which our team of healthcare professionals have identified & categorised then under MSE.


Happiness is a state of mind. Our team of healthcare professionals has created a module to program mind, body & the nature to be in perfect harmony.


Data Mining
Big Data Analytics
Machine Learning
Compiler Design and Optimization
Data Structure
Algorithm Analysis
Computational Intelligence


  • Secretary for CSI Salem Chapter 
  • Nomination Committee member for CSI Salem Chapter 
  • The Best Women Engineer Award by the Institution of Engineers.
  • Selected for 2010 Who’s who in the world, conducted by Marquis, USA.
  • Selected as a potential candidate to represent professional community in the 2010 edition of Cambridge Who’s who.
  • Data Analytics and Solutions Lab (Catalyzed & Supported by SEED Division, DST, New Delhi) – Set up and analyzing experimental case studies related to Breast Cancer Datasets in real-time.
  • Apple Lab for undergraduate students to develop ios app development projects, Collaborated internationally and developing app for English Learning Children through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.