Dr. B Sathiyabhama has 27+ years of experience in the field of Computer Science & Engineering.
1. She was in charge of the Apple Lab for undergraduate students to develop iOS app development projects; she collaborated internationally for developing the app for English Learning Children through Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.
2. She served as secretary for CSI Salem Chapter.
3. She has been awarded ‘The Best Women Engineer Awar’ by the Institution of Engineers.
Dr. B SathiyabhamaComputer Science & Engineering 1. She was in charge of the Apple Lab for undergraduate students to develop iOS app development projects; she collaborated internationally for developing the app for English Learning Children through Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning.
2. She served as secretary for CSI Salem Chapter.
3. She has been awarded ‘The Best Women Engineer Awar’ by the Institution of Engineers.

Dr. RS Sabeenian is an expert in the field of Digital Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
1 Received, ‘ETE BimanBehari Sen Memorial Award’ for outstanding contributions in the emerging areas of Electronics and Telecommunication with emphasis on R&D by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
2. Principal Investigator of the project titled ‘Fabric Defect Detection in Handloom Cottage Silk Industries’ sanctioned under the Research Promotion Scheme (RPs) of AICTE.
3. He worked for ‘Digitalization of Hand Written Classical Tamil Language using Image Processing Technique’ project for the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu Government.
Dr. R S SabeenianElectronics and Communication Engineering 1 Received, ‘ETE BimanBehari Sen Memorial Award’ for outstanding contributions in the emerging areas of Electronics and Telecommunication with emphasis on R&D by Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
2. Principal Investigator of the project titled ‘Fabric Defect Detection in Handloom Cottage Silk Industries’ sanctioned under the Research Promotion Scheme (RPs) of AICTE.
3. He worked for ‘Digitalization of Hand Written Classical Tamil Language using Image Processing Technique’ project for the Tamil Nadu State Council for Science & Technology, Tamil Nadu Government.

Dr. S. Prabkar has expertise in the field of biomedical engineering, RoP and IoMT. He also has a unique experience in the healthcare industry.
Some of his specializations:
1. Experience in the development of Intelligent, Low-cost, Wide Field Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP) Screening System with Telemedicine Applications.
2. Worked on Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Enabled Cognitive Technology-based Screening Tool for Early Postnatal Prediction of Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP).
3. Wearable Healthcare Technology.
Dr. S Prabakar Bio Medical Engineering / Medical Instrumentation, RoP, IoMT Some of his specializations:
1. Experience in the development of Intelligent, Low-cost, Wide Field Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP) Screening System with Telemedicine Applications.
2. Worked on Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Enabled Cognitive Technology-based Screening Tool for Early Postnatal Prediction of Retinopathy of Prematurity (RoP).
3. Wearable Healthcare Technology.

Dr. J. Akilandeswari has expertise in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Database systems and
algorithm design.
1. Currently working in Block chain technology
2. Executed projects in the development of deep learning algorithms for assisting differently abled.
3. As part of Industrial consultancy, she has contributed in more than 20 application developments in the domains of ML, mobile app and blockchain
Dr. J. AkilandeswariDean - Academics | Professor and Head | Department of Information Technology 1. Currently working in Block chain technology
2. Executed projects in the development of deep learning algorithms for assisting differently abled.
3. As part of Industrial consultancy, she has contributed in more than 20 application developments in the domains of ML, mobile app and blockchain

Dr S. Padma has an experience of 33+ years in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
1. She is a BEE certified Energy Auditor
2. Co-PI for Solar Food Processing project in Women Technology Partk
3. Received AICTE’s Lilavati Award 2020 on the theme women entrepreneurship, “ISTE – Periyar Award for the Best Engineering College Teacher” and “Best Woman Engineer Award” from IE(I) Salem Local Chapter.
Dr S PadmaElectrical and Electronics Engineering 1. She is a BEE certified Energy Auditor
2. Co-PI for Solar Food Processing project in Women Technology Partk
3. Received AICTE’s Lilavati Award 2020 on the theme women entrepreneurship, “ISTE – Periyar Award for the Best Engineering College Teacher” and “Best Woman Engineer Award” from IE(I) Salem Local Chapter.

Dr. R. Malathy is expertise in the field of concrete technology
and structural Engineering.
1. She established a research centre “ SONA COIN ” (Concrete Innovation) with the objective of “Waste to Wealth”
2. Developed eco friendly concrete products using industrial by products
3. Involved in the production of green building materials like bricks, paver blocks, solid blocks and hollow blocks.
4. Undertaking research on developing special concretes such as self curing concrete, Geopolymer concrete, Self Compacting Concrete, Magnetic Concrete, papercrete etc.
5. More than 35 years of Experience in teaching and 18 years of research experience and Produced 17 Doctorates
6. Active member of Professional bodies and Executive Council Member of ICI and IEI.
Dr R MalathyCivil Engineering 1. She established a research centre “ SONA COIN ” (Concrete Innovation) with the objective of “Waste to Wealth”
2. Developed eco friendly concrete products using industrial by products
3. Involved in the production of green building materials like bricks, paver blocks, solid blocks and hollow blocks.
4. Undertaking research on developing special concretes such as self curing concrete, Geopolymer concrete, Self Compacting Concrete, Magnetic Concrete, papercrete etc.
5. More than 35 years of Experience in teaching and 18 years of research experience and Produced 17 Doctorates
6. Active member of Professional bodies and Executive Council Member of ICI and IEI.

Dr.D.Raja has expertise in the field of Clothing comfort, E-Textiles, Recycling of Textile waste, Instrument development for locomotor disabled people
1. Experience in the development of sewing machine for locomotor disabled people
2. Development of heating and cooling jackets for medical/defense application
3. Development of conductive fabrics/smart garment for medical textiles application
4. Experience in recycling of textile waste
5. Experience in the development of textiles instruments(Sweat transfer tester, wicking, moisture management area)
Dr D RajaFashion Technology 1. Experience in the development of sewing machine for locomotor disabled people
2. Development of heating and cooling jackets for medical/defense application
3. Development of conductive fabrics/smart garment for medical textiles application
4. Experience in recycling of textile waste
5. Experience in the development of textiles instruments(Sweat transfer tester, wicking, moisture management area)

Dr. T. Padma is a renowned Academician and Researcher with 30+ years of experience whose research interests include Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Biomimicry.
1. Executed research projects as Principal Investigator funded by AICTE, UGC and NCW.
2. Published around 50 reputed journal papers, 100 conference papers, 3 books and 4 book chapters.
3. Instrumental in setting up the Institution’s Management Information System.
4. Heading the Research centre “Smart Security and Data Analytics” and perform R&D and consultancy projects.
5. Recipient of Shayesta Akhtar Memorial National Award for the Best Women Engineering College Teacher of the ISTE for her contributions in 2015.
Dr. T PadmaMCA 1. Executed research projects as Principal Investigator funded by AICTE, UGC and NCW.
2. Published around 50 reputed journal papers, 100 conference papers, 3 books and 4 book chapters.
3. Instrumental in setting up the Institution’s Management Information System.
4. Heading the Research centre “Smart Security and Data Analytics” and perform R&D and consultancy projects.
5. Recipient of Shayesta Akhtar Memorial National Award for the Best Women Engineering College Teacher of the ISTE for her contributions in 2015.
